Check out our brand-new 2020s channels in 11 different genres!

Artist: Charles Brown

The following channels include songs by Charles Brown


Classic and modern, acoustic and electric

Holiday Pop/Rock

Holiday classics from artists like Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Faith Evans, Sarah McLachlan, and more!

Old-Fashioned Christmas

The classics! The greatest traditional Christmas records you've loved for years

R&B and Gospel Christmas

A spiritual and soulful experience with The Winans, Take 6, Stevie Wonder, Toni Braxton and more.

Christmas Originals

Holiday music beyond the tried-and-true dozen songs everyone knows

Home for Christmas

Some ask ("Please Come") and some respond ("I'll Be"). Either way, you get music from Dean Martin...

Modern Christmas Classics

Iconic modern holiday songs, that have already earned the mantle of "classic"

Radio North Pole

Songs about Santa, his reindeer, and the elves.

Spice Tracks

Non-traditional holiday music styles, artists, and songs

Holiday Music: Wide Playlist

The widest playlist of holiday songs you'll find anywhere -- over 17,000 songs!

Happy New Year!

Songs for wintertime, snowfall, skating, and New Year's Eve

R&B Christmas

Celebrate the holidays with Whitney Houston, The Temptations, Aretha Franklin, Luther Vandross & ...

Classic Blues

The greats of the post-war to late-'70s era: Muddy, B.B., Buddy, and the Wolf

Christmas Oldies

Season's Greetings from Motown, the Beach Boys, and more

Fifty/Fifty R&B + Christmas Blend

Your favorite jams plus R&B stars performing Christmas classics

Fifty/Fifty Oldies + Christmas Blend

A half & half mix of Oldies hits and Christmas favorites

Curator's Choice: Patty's Holiday Spice

Unique holidays flavors from Patty Martin, the mind behind Adult Rock, Celtic, and World Music ch...

One Song Radio: "Please Come Home for Christmas"

Thought the Eagles wrote this song? Wrong!

Curator's Choice: Jon's Family Holiday

You can enjoy the same holiday music that Jon, our Classical music programmer, will enjoy with hi...

Curator's Choice: Barb's Holiday Greetings

Our R&B curator, Barbara, brings her love of soul music to this collection with her family's favo...

Blues and Elvis and Somebody Else's Favorite Song

Inspired by a lyric in Steely Dan's "FM (No Static at All)," so lots of Steely Dan. (The "somebo...

Listeners' Top 100: Blues

Our listeners' favorite Blues tracks based on song ratings.

Holiday Decades: The '00s

Post-2K holiday favs from Toni Braxton, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift and more!

House Blend: Blues + Adult Alternative

A unique mix of tastes blended by Ricardo, an AccuRadio listener in Brazil.

Drummer Boy-free Christmas Oldies

We've removed "The Little Drummer Boy" from this channel to help keep your streak intact!

Drummer Boy-free Old-Fashioned Christmas

It's the "Macarena" of Christmas songs, and we're not playing it here

Drummer Boy-free Modern Christmas Classics

Widely-cherished contemporary holiday songs, so no "The Little Drummer Boy"


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